What should my Admit Criteria be set to on my DMR Radio? Great question, and I am glad you asked. I will give you what I like to call the Best Practice. Typically there are Three options in the Programming software for Admit Criteria on most if not all DMR radios. Let's take a look at the three options, then we will break down each one. Always Channel Free Color Code Always: If you set your admit criteria to Always, what this is gonna do is set your radio so you can key the mic at any time, regardless of other traffic or conversations (QSO's) that may be in progress. Selecting this option would NOT be a Best Practice. A courtesy Amateur radio operator is not one who wants to deliberately talk over the top of someone else. This would remind me of the old CB radio days when you had the "Big Strapper's" out there that would like to key up and say "Squish" Yes, I am an old CB'er, but no, I was not one of those people....
The Wouxun KG-UVN1 now supports the DMR User Database. Hello DMR Fans, Rick here, KG7GUO for DmrShack.com. I have some very exciting news for you. Wouxun has updated the Firmware for the KG-UVN1 and the Programming Software, I am pleased to announce, the KG-UVN1 now supports the DMR User Database. It will now allow 160,000 DMR User Contacts, and 10,000 TX (Talk Group) contacts. This is an awesome update. To make this possible, they reduced the record time for recording call audio from 8 hours down to 2 hours, which is not a big deal, because how often do you need to record your calls anyway? I don't ever have a need to use this feature, but some may like it. This update pretty much makes the UVN1 my favorite radio of the radios I own. The import process is pretty simple and straight forward. From the programming software, simply click on program and select Dmr Database. Click on Import and select the file you want to import...
Well Hello DMR Fans, Rick here for DMRShack.com. Last time, we took a look at the Wouxun KG-D901 , today we are looking at the KG-UVN1. The KG-UVN1 is the Dual Band Hand Held DMR Digital radio from Wouxun . Lets start with a quick look at the highlights of the radio taken from the Wouxun website: 3072 Channels 1024 Contacts 255 Receiving Groups 250 Zones 16 Scan List Radio ID Radio TX Contacts Dual Band and Dual Display Radio Color Code Support Frequency Mode Program Key Digital Voice Encryption Emergency Alarm VOX Function Priority Channel Scan TX Designated Channel Low Battery Power Off One Touch Access / Talk Around Radio Program Password Menu Encryption or Menu Hide Power Save Mode Group Scan Tail Elimination Text Message Radio Disable or Enable Lone Work ARTS Function Flash Light Call Alert CTCSS Encoding and Decoding , Support Non Standard Digital Channel Recording , Continuous Record 8 Hours Play Recording File ...