
Showing posts from 2023

Taking a look at the OS UV-8000 2 Way analog Radio

I recently purchased the OS UV-8000 radio.  It is multi band radio that has a sleek look and seems to work very well. This is not a DMR radio, it is analog only. I saw it on AliExpress, and noticed most of the reviews said it did not have any software and they were unable to program it. Challenge Accepted. LOL. Turns out, it wasn't much of a challenge, I reached out to a supplier on Alibaba, and was sent the software very promptly. This is a nice little radio that will do 2 meter, 1.25 meter, 70cm and GMRS (technically not certified for GMRS use, but when has that stopped anyone) I did a short video review below Its really a neat little radio, I am rather fond of it.  Some of the specifications are Freq range 136-520mhz 199 Channel Storage Channel Selection Knob on top Programmable Side Key Buttons FM Radio Dual Receive CTCSS/DCS codes Color Screen Repeater Capable If you would like to take a look at it on AliExpress, here is a link OS UV-8000 I have purchased about 6 new anal...

New Forum Website "ChatAcrossBorders"

 Hello to everyone who follows this blog.   Sorry I havent been very active on here. I haven't done much with DMR lately, as I kinda lost interest in it.  Our local DMR repeater isn't working and the owner won't fix it because there isn't much use. So I am pretty much just back to using good ole analog. But I did create a new website in the last couple weeks, its a forum for chatting about basically whatever...but I do have a Ham Radio thread. There is also threads for Home built wind/solar, DIY projects etc. Take a look at that if you would like, its new, so I am trying to get the word out so it will become more active.  There is a place to suggest forum topics, if you would like a thread for something, just say so and I will make it happen. Check out ChatAcrossBorders That's about it for now. 73's Rick KG7GUO